On the 22nd of April 2017, Hizb  ut-Tahrir Australia held an event analysing the growing industry of Islamic Finance. We present here the keynote talks from the event, the Powerpoint slides and the Q&A session that took place.

“Islamic finance” has taken off in recent years, promising halal avenues to achieve the “dream” of home ownership and much more. In this important event, the core elements of Islamic finance with respect to its benefit to the community and its claims of Shariah compliance are analysed.

These are the two talks from the night including Q&A.

Powerpoint Slides for talk 1 can be viewed & downloaded here

Talk 1 | Islamic Finance: Its history, structures and Shar’i implications | Sadi Saifuddin 0:00 – 46:15

Talk 2 | The Spiritual and Practical Aspects of Islamic Finance | Soadad Doureihi 46:15 – 1:09:00

Q&A | 1:09:00 – 1:32:28

Some pictures from the event:

Br Sadi Talk 1: Islamic Finance: Its history, structures and Shar'i implications

Br Sadi Talk 1: Islamic Finance: Its history, structures and Shar’i implications


Packed audience

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Br Soadad in Talk 2 Discussing the Spiritual & practical implications of Islamic Finance

Br Soadad in Talk 2 Discussing the Spiritual & practical implications of Islamic Finance
